Investing in technology mutual funds gives investors access to hundreds of different technology companies all in one place
Your time horizon, risk appetite, and the desire to optimise your investment are all factors to consider
There are three main asset classes that these schemes often invest in: equities, debt, and gold
If you are looking for a fund manager, look for an Asset Management Company with a track record of finding and managing risks well.,
Ashish P Somaiya, CEO, White Oak Capital Management, says that new investors are coming to the market to get good returns.
Diversification deals with the concentration of your portfolio's different types of assets whereas asset allocation provides a comprehensive picture.
It is essential to diversify the portfolio to prevent concentration risk and invest in various asset classes such as equity, debt, and gold
To determine thresholds for triggering swing pricing, AMFI will provide broad parameters that AMCs must follow
The Silver ETF is expected to work just like Gold ETF, where units can be created only after buying the underlying asset
Consider the fund's long-term performance before investing in an ELSS plan or systematic investment plan